ReelCardio is proud to introduce the most versatile Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitor called the ReelWearable+ Plus. The ReelWearable+ Plus MCT monitor is the first multi-function, wearable device among their line of ReelECG™ monitors. The ReelWearable+ Plus offers great versatility compared to other Ambulatory ECG (AECG) monitoring devices in the industry as it offers continuous (full disclosure) mobile cardiac telemetry (MCT) monitoring as well as the capability to perform all other forms of ambulatory cardiac monitoring (or AECG). All types (and duration) of AECG monitoring can be performed with one, single integrated wearable monitor that operates in real-time or in record only mode.
The ReelWearable+ Plus Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitor is proving to be a sound option for Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT. The cellular capabilities of the ReelWearable+ Plus MCT monitor is touted by ReelCardio to be a superior solution as each device is an individual, integrated cellular device with the capability to automatically switch cellular carriers to optimize the signal quality to minimize any interruption during the monitoring period. The integrated SIM (cellular) technology enables connectivity across virtually all cellular carriers in the US and internationally.
ReelWearable+ Plus Capabilities:
- Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (real-time MCT for 3 – 30 days)
- Cardiac Event Monitoring (real-time 3 – 30 days)
- Holter Monitoring (real time or record only for 24 hours)
- Extended Holter | Long Term Continuous AECG – (real-time or record only 3-14 days)
- Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) 30+ minutes per month (real-time or record only)
Features of the ReelWearable+ Plus MCT Monitor:
- The ReelWearable+ Plus MCT monitor is small in size & light weight. The monitor is approximately the size of a lighter weighing 2.8 oz including the integrated cellular module.& battery.
- Single or Dual Channel configurations available with the ReelWearable+ Plus.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus mobile cardiac telemetry monitor is preferred by staff members as it quick & easy to hook up the patient. Patients prefer the ReelWearable+ Plus due to the ease of use, single module (not gateway device needed) & ambulatory charging capabilities. ReelCardio offers a monitor configuration called the ReelMonitor+ Plus.
The ReelMonitor+ Plus MCT monitor is similar to the ReelWearable+ Plus except it functions as a traditional 2-Channel cardiac monitor rather than serving as a lead snapping into an electrode.. The ReelMonitor+ Plus MCT device offers great flexibility for the hook up with a variety of lead configurations to meet the needs of each patient. The ReelMonitor+ Plus can be worn around the neck with a lanyard or clipped to a shirt, bra strap or clipped to an adhesive.
- Optimize economics with the ReelWearable+ Plus MCT monitor as a single solution that is eligible to bill up to 5 AECG modalities & billing codes.
- Physicians trust the ReelWearable+Plus MCT monitor because ReelCardio has a 3 tier process to ensure nothing goes undetected. ReelECG™ monitoring technology has an auto-detect feature, an auto-transmit feature that automatically sends raw full disclosure ECG date to the ReelCardio ECG laboratory for review (every 5 minutes), and the laboratory staff will post full disclosure to the portal every 24 hours of the monitoring period.
- Improve the patient experience with the ReelWearable+ Plus mobile cardiac telemetry monitor due to the single module configuration eliminating the need for another phone (or gateway device) to simplify the monitoring process for the patient.
- Improve patient compliance & monitoring quality with the ReelWearable+ Plus due to the long battery life, the Integrated internal battery (approx 30-48 hours on one charge)
- The ReelWearable+ Plus MCT device provides an ambulatory charging method for smooth monitoring minimizing any interruptions due to charging issues.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus is quick & easy to use for both the patient and the staff in the medical facility.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus can has the capability to switch AECG monitoring modalities remotely without an office visit. Example: start with a 24 Hour Holter & remotely switch to MCT.
- All ReelECG™ products such as the ReelWearable+ Plus and the ReelMonitor+ Plus Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitors are made in the USA with US components rather than lower quality monitors made overseas.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus has proven reliability & durability.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus is a water-resistant with an optional water-proof construction.
- The ReelWearable+ Plus’ cellular module enables Geo-location capabilities
- ReelCardio owns a Medicare Approved Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) through the wholly owned subsidiary Hemodynamics Co. which provides 24/7/365 coverage with professional clinical & technical support .
The primary goals at ReelCardio is provide the medical facility with superior mobile cardiac telemetry technology coupled with the ability to accommodate any economic model to best suit the needs of the medical facility. ReelCardio will offer a service-only model (facility bills professional component only) as well as a hybrid structure that enables the facility to bill globally for mobile cardiac telemetry (MCT)
In order to bill globally for MCT with the ReelWearable+ Plus, ReelCardio (and the law) requires the medical facility to rent, lease or own the ReelECG™ technology. With this hybrid model, ReelCardio will charge a fair market value (Fee) for the ECG analysis, report generation & 24/7 coverage. For more details, visit the ReelCardio Billing & Reimbursement guide.
There are very few companies in the industry Flat Fee model where the facility pays an established flat fee monthly in exchange for unlimited number of studies. ReelCardio will offer the flat fee model with their line of ReelECG™ monitors, but it is NOT recommended by ReelCardio as it is deemed ‘prohibitive’ by federal legal statutes.
- | ReelWearable+ Plus monitor
- | ReelHolter+ Plus monitor
- | ReelPatch+ Plus monitor
- ReelCardio Billing & Reimbursement Guide
- Free Trial for ReelECG™ Monitoring Technology