Bardy Diagnostics (BardyDx) is a wearable AECG monitoring company recently acquired by Baxter – HillRom. BardyDx made a name for themself by providing a unique wearable patch monitor that performs 7-14 day Long Term Continuous AECG (extended Holter monitoring).The proprietary wearable patch AECG monitor is called the BardyDx Carnation.
The Carnation from Bardy Diagnostics is said to be a superior method of extended long term ambulatory ECG monitoring for detection of more cardiac arrhythmias & greater signal quality. The BardyDx Carnation experienced rapid growth with their patch due to its unique positioning & their proprietary P-Wave analysis for early detection & management of Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib).
BardyDx now operates under the Baxter – HillRom name along with Welch Allyn & Mortara.