ReelCardio V-Patch MCT Monitor
ReelCardio has teamed up with V-Patch to deliver the real-time wearable ambulatory ECG monitor called the ReelCardio V-Patch. The ReelCardio V-Patch is a unique wearable mobile cardiac telemetry (MCT) monitor that monitors patients in near real-time for extended periods of up to 30 days.
ReelCardio V-Patch employs patented wearable technology that is said to significantly increase the signal quality of the ECG, the analysis of the ECG while improving the patient experience. ReelCardio is a Medicare approved Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) located in the Dallas, Fort Worth area of Texas.
Features & Benefits of the ReelCardio V-Patch MCT Monitor:
Wearable Ambulatory Cardiac (AECG) monitor capable of performing (near) real-time mobile cardiac telemetry (MCT) monitoring & analysis for a period of up to 30 days
- Quick & simple application for staff & patients
- True 2 channel / 2 vectors of ECG data for superior diagnostic capabilities & physician verification
- Long battery life with simple interchangeable batteries
- Water Resistant design for patients to carry about their daily activities
- 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring & ECG analysis to the ReelCardio ECG Laboratory
- FDA, CE & TGA approved for clinical applications on a global scale
- Flexible monitoring, billing & revenue structures to suit the needs the needs of the medical facility
- Turn-Key tel-medicine system for ECG laboratories, rehabilitation facilities or large medical facilities looking to perform their own AECG monitoring programs
- Cost effective / competitive pricing to accommodate the needs & budgets of most medical environments
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