Mobile Cardiac Telemetry
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT or MCOT™) monitoring is the most exciting technology to hit the market of ambulatory cardiac monitoring. MCT is a unique form of ambulatory cardiac monitoring as it offers advanced real-time analysis technology that is said to reduce costs and improve the diagnostic quality of electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring on an outpatient basis.
MCT remains a relatively new diagnostic tool in the world of ambulatory cardiac monitoring. This section evaluates the following items:
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry – Real Time ECG Monitoring
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry monitoring is (arguably) the most advanced & effective form of outpatient ECG monitoring. MCT monitoring automatically detects and transmits cardiac abnormalities via cell phone in real time to a diagnostic laboratory.
Indications of Use
Since the introduction of MCT monitoring, there has been some confusion as to when it is appropriate to order a mobile cardiac telemetry study or the more traditional monitoring diagnostic tools such as Holter Monitoring and Cardiac Event Monitoring.
MCT or Cardiac Event Monitor?
With the introduction of Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitoring, there is some confusion as to when to order a traditional Cardiac Event Monitor or MCT monitor. Our analysis covers the details for appropriate use of these two different long term studies.
MCT versus MCOT® versus ACT®
There are several variations in acronyms used in the industry to discuss Mobile Cardiac Telemetry. The various acronyms generally reflect a specific brand of mobile cardiac telemetry used by the various MCT companies.
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT & MCOT™) Companies
MCT is advanced monitoring technology. Each company that manufactures an MCT device in the U.S is listed here with a summary of their strengths.
MCT Service & Reseller Companies
Since there is such great revenue providing Mobile Cardiac Telemetry services, there are many companies attempting to get into the business by reselling and providing MCT services with other OEM companies products.
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Monitors
Our expert analysis evaluates and compares each of the U.S Mobile Cardiac Telemetry devices. There are substantial differences in features, benefits, capabilities and reporting.
Reimbursement Models for MCT
One of the best kept secrets in Cardiology is the emerging reimbursement model for Mobile Cardiac Telemetry. In the past, it was only the service company that made money use MCT. Now physicians & clinics can make money too!
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